Malan, Palampur
- Name of the centre : Rice and Wheat Research Centre, Malan
- Year of Start : 1975 in the Department of Plant Breeding, HPKV, Palampur, Shifted to RWRC, Malan in 2002
- University / Department : CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidalaya,Palampur
Important of Centre:
Rice & wheat Research Centre, Malan located in mid hills of Himachal Pradesh is a key location for yellow rust and powdery mildew related activities viz. identification of resistant lines and breeding resistant wheat material. Material screened and found resistant at hot spots like Malan Bajaura in Himachal Pradesh has proven its utility value in the past. This centre has developed varieties like HPW 89, HPW 147, HPW 155 and HPW 236 which have shown resistance to YR even during epidemic year 2010-11 and 2011-12 whereas, all other varieties of plains introduced in the hill state have badly succumbed to yellow rust. The main focus of this centre has always remained to develop YR resistant material.
The mandate of this centre is to:
- Develop high yielding varieties with wider adaptability (suited to varying agro climatic conditions of the state) and disease resistance (yellow and brown rust ,powdery mildew and other diseases)
- Develop semi winter varieties suitable for early sown conditions through winter x spring wheat hybridization
- Develop drought tolerant varieties for rain fed and low fertility conditions under timely sown conditions
- Develop early maturing varieties for late sown conditions
- To develop improved agronomic practices for wheat cultivation in different agro climatic zones of the state
- To develop and identify genetic stocks having resistance to major diseases and insect Pests
- To develop management strategies for important diseases.
Scientist Details:
Name | Designation | Phone | Photograph | |
Dr. Ajay Bindra | Pr.Scientist (Agronomy) and Incharge AICRP
(AICRP on W & B funded) |
9418149795 (M) | | |
Dr. (Mrs.) Vijay Rana | Pr. Scientist (Pl Breeding)
(AICRP on W & B funded) |
9418457124 (M) 01892-252306 (O) | | |
Dr. Gurudev Singh | Jr. Scientist (Agronomy)
(AICRP on W & B funded) |
9418479856(M) | |