Name of centre : Bihar Agricultural College, Sabour, Bhagalpur, Bihar.
Year of Start : 1988
University : Bihar Agricultural College, Sabour, Bhagalpur
Importance of centre and Mandate:
Agriculture has become the main-stay in the state after truncation of its mineral and forest rich area as Jharkhand state. Flood being regular feature of Bihar, much emphasis has to be given on rebi cereal like wheat to meet the food requirement of its over increasing population. Consequently wheat plays a very important role in the agricultural economy of the state. Systematic wheat research programme at Bihar Agricultural College, Sabour was started in the year 1957. Many wheat verities were released as HBR and BR series. Varieties were mid tall to tall in nature with excellent grain qualities and some are resistant to draught. With the start of All Indian Coordinated Wheat and Barley Improvement programme in 1988, the wheat research at Sabour has further strengthened. The breeding programme at Sabour has been directed towards the development of varieties for rainfed as well as irrigated conditions. Hybridization and handling of various segregating generations for development of suitable genotypes are regular features of the centre. A large number of advance wheat lines have been development are at various stages of testing at the state and national level. The centre has developed and released two wheat varieties viz, RW 346 & RW 3413 for timely sown irrigated condition and another variety RW 3016 for rainfed condition.
a) Breeding of high yielding, disease resistant/tolerant wheat varieties for different agro climatic situations of Bihar.
b) Development of early maturing terminal heat tolerant wheat varieties suitable for late sowing.
c) Identification of suitable genotypes from national and international nurseries for terminal heat and leaf blight tolerance and their utilization in hybridization programme.
d) Production of nucleus and breeder seed of recommended varieties.
e) Development of wheat production technologies and monitoring of crop conditions.
f) Development of suitable agro-techniques for rice wheat cropping system.
g) To collaborate with state /national /International agencies for wheat improvement.
h) To participate extension education programme for proper transfer of improved technologies.
i) Management of important diseases.
Scientist Details:
Name | Designation | Phone | Photograph | |
Dr.Deepak Kumar Baranwal | Junior Scientist (Plant Breeding)
(AICRP-W&B) funded) | | 9006828656 | |
Dr.Seema | Junior Scientist Agronomy (AICRP-W&B) funded) | | 9012386608 | |
Dr. C. S. Azad | Junior Scientist Plant Pathology & In-charge AICRP
(AICRP-W&B) funded) | | 9934272383 |